
Showing posts from August, 2018

Matthew 10

Jesus calls us to a higher way of thinking and viewing life. His message is that God should be our ultimate treasure and whom we should seek with our entire being. When our lives our in alignment with God's desires and purposes we will serve and love those around us with a deeper love than when they are our main focus. Matthew 10

Matthew 9

I love that Matthew gives us a look into his own personal moment when Jesus called him to follow him. Matthew was a tax collector and during that period of time, tax collectors had a horrible reputation. That did not turn Jesus away from him, Jesus actually called Matthew and then went and had dinner with Matthew and his friends. Jesus was not worried about what the religious leaders thought - Jesus came to save sinners. Jesus was not afraid to get involved in the messiness of Matthew's life. Jesus offers hope to the broken.  Matthew 9

Matthew 8

Matthew 8

Matthew 7

Yesterday in our Monday morning devotions as a school staff, Ms. Schlechte gave the message. Her topic was Jesus is Enough . As I was reading Matthew 7, I could not help but tie her devotion into the reading. The attitude of our heart reflects whether we trust that Jesus is enough for us. * Is my focus loving others or judging them instead? * Do I treat people the way I long for them to treat me? * Do my words and my actions match? * What areas of my life don't lead to Christ being the focus? * Am I building my life on things that have no eternal value or things that will last for all eternity? "Jesus is the supreme treasure, our greatest joy, the reward of the Gospel, He satisfies our deepest needs, is more than all we could ever desire or need, the source of our identity and hope, in Him we have everything. Jesus is enough." ~ Alaine Schlechte (based on a summer sermon she heard) Phil. 3:7-8, But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. I...

Matthew 6

Jesus' teachings continue in chapter 6 and each topic he covers applies to all people of all time from any type of people group and culture. God's Word is alive and active and has taught many generations before us and will continue to teach generations long after our time on earth is done. What a privilege we have to read God's Word and apply its teachings to our lives. * Caring for the needy among your people * Praying * Forgiving * Fasting * What is really important in life * Worrying vs. Seeking God's kingdom Matthew 6

Matthew 5

I love the way in which God allows us to know Him better. You and I are able to read the words that came out of Jesus' mouth for ourselves. We are able through eye witnesses to see how he interacted with people for three years of his life. What are a few things we are able to learn about God in chapter 5? Because he was healing people, crowds were flocking to him. Jesus took this opportunity to teach them and I am sure the religious leaders were shaking in rage. Jesus' message was not about following a bunch of religious rules; he was teaching that God is looking at heart attitudes and motives. He taught that in the Kingdom of God murdering someone isn't the only thing that is a sin, so is hating someone. Jesus' message included how even our thoughts affect our relationship with God. Religion was not what God was/is wanting for people, rather it was/is a relationship. This chapter ends focusing on our school theme this year, our love for the people of the world ...

Matthew 4

Temptation was as much a part of Jesus' life as it is ours; he would have faced the same types of temptations that any person faces. At this point in his life, he was beginning his earthly ministry and Satan wanted to tear him down before his ministry ever began. In this passage Satan tempted Jesus physically, in the area of pride and the lust for power. Satan even quoted scripture to tempt Jesus, which shows us that we need to be careful to whom we listen and take advice. There are many false teachers in this world who use the Bible and its teachings for their benefit instead of for the glory of God. Jesus responded and rejected the temptations with the truths of God's Word. It's so important for us to read God's Word for ourselves and put ourselves under godly pastors and teachers who are solid in their faith. Jesus' message was the same as John the Baptist's, "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." God does not wa...

Matthew 3

About thirty years go by from the end of chapter 2 to the beginning of chapter 3. Matthew introduces us to an interesting character, John the Baptist. John is bold and his message was clear, "Repent for the kingdom of God is near." Some of the tasks that God had given John were to: 1. encourage people to start thinking about eternity, not just the here and now 2. obey God's truths rather than man's rules 3. prepare the people to meet Jesus 4. baptize with water In the second part of this chapter, Jesus comes to John to be baptized and we are able to see the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all together in that moment. Jesus the Son was physically present, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and the Father says, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Interesting fact - Did you know that the word Trinity is not written in the Bible? The concept and teachings of the Trinity are in the Bible, but the word itself is not. Matthe...

Matthew 2

Matthew continues to point his readers back to the Old Testament and shows that through Jesus' birth prophecies of the coming Messiah were fulfilled. 1. Through studying the Old Testament scriptures the wise men were able to determine where the Messiah would be born and were able to travel to Bethlehem to worship him. 2. Micah wrote that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. 3. Hosea prophesied that the Messiah would come out of Egypt. 4. Jeremiah recorded that mothers would be mourning the loss of their children.  Matthew 2 - NLT Matthew 2 - NIV Matthew 2 - ESV

Matthew 1

Happy first day of school, Salem! I'm looking forward to reading through the New Testament with you this school year!  Facts about the book of Matthew: Matthew is one of four books of the Bible that shares the message of Jesus Christ's life on this earth and ties the Old Testament to the New Testament. Matthew wrote his letter in the first century to the Jewish people and from their studies of the Old Testament they would have known the importance of Abraham and David and the promises of a Messiah coming from their lineage; Matthew is making the connection for his readers that Jesus was the promised Messiah. You will also notice that Matthew quotes the prophet Isaiah from the Old Testament as he introduces us to Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the second half of Matthew 1. Matthew 1 -  NLT Matthew 1 -  NIV Matthew 1 -  ESV

Invitation to Read Through the New Testament

Hi Salem Family, I'm so excited to invite you to join me in reading through the New Testament this school year. I'm going to start with Matthew 1 on Wednesday, August 22 and by reading one chapter each day, seven days a week, I will finish reading in early May. I am a firm believer that the Bible and what it teaches changes people's lives. I am also a firm believer that the Old Testament is just as important as the New Testament and gives us a solid foundation for our faith. Throughout the year, I'll add some commentary as to how the New Testament ties back to the Old Testament. If you choose to take on the challenge, not only can you read the New Testament you can also listen to a chapter each day. Bible Gateway  is a great place to go online or YouVersion Bible App for your mobile device to be able to read and/or listen. Feel free to read or listen in the version of the Bible that you are used to or find one that isn't so familiar. My personal favorite trans...