Matthew 5

I love the way in which God allows us to know Him better. You and I are able to read the words that came out of Jesus' mouth for ourselves. We are able through eye witnesses to see how he interacted with people for three years of his life. What are a few things we are able to learn about God in chapter 5?

Because he was healing people, crowds were flocking to him. Jesus took this opportunity to teach them and I am sure the religious leaders were shaking in rage. Jesus' message was not about following a bunch of religious rules; he was teaching that God is looking at heart attitudes and motives. He taught that in the Kingdom of God murdering someone isn't the only thing that is a sin, so is hating someone. Jesus' message included how even our thoughts affect our relationship with God. Religion was not what God was/is wanting for people, rather it was/is a relationship.

This chapter ends focusing on our school theme this year, our love for the people of the world (everyone, including the unlovable) shows we truly love God.

The reality is we are people who live in a broken, sinful world and Jesus came as a man to experience all the yuck that each human being has to face. As he was experiencing it, he was sharing truth and hope!

Matthew 5 - NLT
Matthew 5 - NIV
Matthew 5 - ESV


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