Matthew 4

Temptation was as much a part of Jesus' life as it is ours; he would have faced the same types of temptations that any person faces. At this point in his life, he was beginning his earthly ministry and Satan wanted to tear him down before his ministry ever began. In this passage Satan tempted Jesus physically, in the area of pride and the lust for power. Satan even quoted scripture to tempt Jesus, which shows us that we need to be careful to whom we listen and take advice. There are many false teachers in this world who use the Bible and its teachings for their benefit instead of for the glory of God. Jesus responded and rejected the temptations with the truths of God's Word. It's so important for us to read God's Word for ourselves and put ourselves under godly pastors and teachers who are solid in their faith.

Jesus' message was the same as John the Baptist's, "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." God does not want us to live in bondage to our sins; He desires that we live on this earth in freedom from anything that would pull us away from our relationship with Him.

The prophet Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come proclaiming the good news and healing the broken and that's just what Jesus did!

Matthew 4 - NLT
Matthew 4 - NIV
Matthew 4 - ESV


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