John 1

Question of the day is…“Who is your Andrew?” 

Let me explain…

Andrew had probably heard stories of the coming of the Messiah from the time he was a little boy. Then John the Baptist came on the scene and Andrew spent time listening to what he had to say. Andrew had to have liked what he heard. When John pointed Jesus out to Andrew, Andrew was ready to follow.

Andrew and the other disciple went up to Jesus and were curious as to where he [Jesus] was staying. Try to picture in your mind what Jesus looked like when they asked Jesus this question. My mind will only let me see a huge smile and a very welcoming man. He said, “Come and you will see.” Once they got to the place Jesus was staying they spent the rest of the day with him.

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy being around someone who makes me feel comfortable. 
Sometimes we feel like we have so much sin in our life that God is looking down on us (we feel that way because we are looking down on ourselves). Guess what? He already knows about the sin! He wants you to get to the place that you are bringing that sin to him and letting him help you take care of it.

I feel safer with my sin in Jesus’ presence than around people. Jesus already knows about it and loves me anyway. Him knowing about my sin and loving me anyway is the very reason I don’t want to sin. 

Andrew felt comfortable with Jesus that day and he couldn’t keep it to himself, in the same day that he met Jesus; he went and brought Peter to Jesus too. 

I’ll go back now to my question, “Who is your Andrew?” 

Who in your life do you see the presence of God? That person may have told you about Jesus or they may live their life in such a way that it pointed you to Jesus. John the Baptist pointed Andrew to Jesus, Andrew brought Peter to Jesus, and soon we will see that Peter followed suit.

That's what the Christian life should look like! We should all be Andrews - we don't have to be forceful, but we can show people Jesus (by our words and our actions). If we live life on purpose, people will be drawn to Christ.

I wrote a song several years ago and one of the lines in the song says, "Can they see the One in me who can change their eternity?" I know God gave me that line so that I would smile in the grocery store instead of rush with my "frown of hurry", he gave me that line so at school my students can see a patient teacher (usually), he gave me that line so my own family would not have to live with Grumpy Mom (very often), etc... That one line has helped me live my life on purpose so many times!


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