Pride vs. Humility The prideful , religious leaders were tired of Jesus, they were tired of his teachings and his stirring up the people, they wanted Jesus gone, so things could go back to the way things were. The humble woman washed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume, which she could have used to spend on herself. Judas, filled with pride , couldn't handle Jesus anymore and his unconventional way of thinking - why not join the other side and make some money in the process. Peter, filled with pride , felt he was so strong he would never deny knowing Jesus. Peter, filled with humility , wept when he did deny his friend. ~ Jesus was well aware of each person and what their actions would be, still went to the cross, willing to die and defeat sin and death for each one of them. Dear Heavenly Father, take our pride and replace it with true humility in response to who Jesus is and what he have done for us! Jesus, thank you for being willing to humble Yourself, so t...