Matthew 26

Jesus was not surprised that his disciples deserted him when the authorities came to arrest him. He actually predicted it over and over again. Jesus had also predicted that he would rise from the dead in three days, yet his disciples could only see their present circumstances. The man they had spent the last three years with, who they believed to be the Messiah, was in custody. This was not what they had pictured with Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus had constantly talked about the kingdom of God, this didn't look like a kingdom to them. This looked like the end of a false teacher.

The chapter ends with Peter sneaking around the palace trying to figure out what is going on. It doesn't take people long to realize he was one of the twelve disciples and when questioned, he adamantly denies it. On the third denial the rooster crows and Peter instantly is reminded of the fact that Jesus had predicted this very thing.

I'm so glad the story of Jesus doesn't end here, because the situation seems hopeless. Praise God His plans are greater than our limited human ones.

We don't have to let life's circumstances defeat us - God has predicted the future and the battle is won! Let's walk in the victory that is ours in Christ Jesus!

Matthew 26


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