Matthew 11

Jesus' teachings were so radically different than how the religious leaders had interpreted God's laws from the Old Testament. They had set up rule upon rule, tradition upon tradition with no relationship behind the motives of their actions. Jesus turned their world upside down when he began teaching with authority, healing people and offering hope to the broken.

John the Baptist ended up in prison for preaching God's message of repentance and even he contemplated whether Jesus was the promised Messiah or not. Jesus' response was not just yes, he had his disciples respond by telling John the things Jesus was doing had been prophesied about the future Messiah in Isaiah 61. 

God desires for people is to know Him, yet in our pride we can push His truths far away from us. My prayer is that my faith is that of a child's. May I always trust in Jesus when the world or religion tells me I'm crazy. Abiding in Him is truly the only way to have peace.

Matthew 11


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