Mark 5

The encounters in this chapter intrigue me:

1. Jesus has a conversation with the demons that had taken up residence in a man.

Of course the demons knew who Jesus was. They had chosen to follow Satan rather than God and now they were encountering him again. Well of aware of the power Jesus possessed, they asked permission to be allowed to move residence from this man into a herd of pigs. Jesus granted their request and the demons drove 2,000 pigs into the lake.

2. The people of the town of Gerasenses cared more about their pigs than a man coming back into his right mind.

The entire scene scared the people. The crazy man was now dressed and in his right mind. They lost quite a bit of money on the loss of the pigs and they just wanted Jesus to leave.

3. The man who had been healed was told to go tell all that the Lord had done for him. (usually Jesus told people not to tell)

The man wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus told the man to go home and share what God had done for him. The man did just that, he went to the Decapolis (10 cities) and told everyone how Jesus changed (saved) his life! The people were amazed - such an incredible testimony. 

What has God done for you that you need to share?

4. Jairus, a Jewish synagogue leader, comes to Jesus for healing for his daughter.

One of the religious leaders realized that Jesus was his only hope to help save his daughter from death. 

5. A woman who had spent all her money on doctors just touched Jesus and she was healed. (this happened while Jesus was heading to Jairus' home)

Jesus' power is beyond our comprehension.

6. The people mourning for Jairus' daughter laughed at Jesus when he said that she was just asleep.

This reminds me to continue to have the faith of a child. I pray that my heart is so tender to his teachings that I trust Him rather than human wisdom!

7. The only people allowed in the young girl's room was her parents, Peter, James and John. (this time Jesus told them not to tell what happened)

In this region the people wanted to revolt - that was not why Jesus came. Jesus came to establish God's eternal kingdom by defeating sin and death.

Mark 5


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