
John 4

Jesus loves everyone. Every person has value and he longs to have a personal relationship with each one. Jesus does not look at our outward appearance, the color of our skin, the language we speak, the gender we are - he sees our heart. John 4 Jesus longs to make broken people - whole!

John 3

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3

John 2

Usually the focus of Jesus' miracle in this chapter is him turning water to wine, but a friend of mine shared a beautiful truth with me this summer. The first miracle Jesus performed to reveal his glory was at a wedding. Why is that important? The Bible compares all the people who believe in Jesus Christ (past, present and future) to the Bride of Christ and it declares Christ is the Groom. One day we will be united with him in his glory. No extravagant or royal wedding on this earth can compare to that wedding celebration between Christ and His Bride! Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, which God defined for us in Genesis chapter 2. Marriage should be a reflection to the world around us what true love looks like. Submission, love, sacrifice and respect are all aspects between both the bride and the groom. Ultimately it is because of Christ's faithful love to those who believe in him that allows people to love him in return. "We love because he first loved us!...

John 1

Question of the day is…“Who is your Andrew?”  Let me explain… Andrew had probably heard stories of the coming of the Messiah from the time he was a little boy. Then John the Baptist came on the scene and Andrew spent time listening to what he had to say. Andrew had to have liked what he heard. When John pointed Jesus out to Andrew, Andrew was ready to follow. Andrew and the other disciple went up to Jesus and were curious as to where he [Jesus] was staying. Try to picture in your mind what Jesus looked like when they asked Jesus this question. My mind will only let me see a huge smile and a very welcoming man. He said, “Come and you will see.” Once they got to the place Jesus was staying they spent the rest of the day with him. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy being around someone who makes me feel comfortable.  Sometimes we feel like we have so much sin in our life that God is looking down on us (we feel that way because we are looking down on ourselves)...

Luke 24

Today we read Luke's version of the resurrection and ascension. Something which really glared at me today was the word Eleven . There was one man missing to receive the news of the resurrection - Judas', the betrayer of Jesus. The eleven men remaining saw Jesus with their own eyes and all but one of those men would be killed for their belief in the risen Christ. All Eleven lived their life to share the truth of God's kingdom. The Eleven knew they would follow, Jesus - turning back from truth was not an option! Luke 24

Luke 23

What a spectacle! This chapter shows the power of many voices even if the message of the many voices isn't true. They took Jesus to the governor (Pilate), he found that Jesus had done nothing wrong, so he sent him to the king of the Jews (Herod). Herod did not find that Jesus was guilty, so he sent him back to Pilate. "He has done nothing to deserve death." Yet, the people's accusations were so loud and persistent that Pilate gave into their demands - Jesus was crucified! Two men were crucified with Jesus - one on the right and one on the left. One believed Jesus was the Messiah the other did not. One entered paradise with Jesus that day! May our prayer be, " Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom. " Jesus' response to that prayer will always be, " I assure will be with me in paradise. " Luke 23

Luke 22

We are at the point in Luke's gospel where we see Jesus' last few days before he is crucified. Even though Judas had followed Jesus for three years, his loyalty was far from him and he was ready to make some money. He knew the religious leaders wanted Jesus gone and in his greed he helped speed the process along. In actuality God's perfect timing is taking place! "At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:6-8 Jesus made it clear at supper that evening he knew who the betrayal was coming from. Yet, Jesus still ate with him. Jesus knew Peter would deny him, yet, he prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail. Even the guards who came to arrest Jesus were taken care of by him. One guard's ear was cut off by a zealous disciple and Jesus healed the guard. Living like and following Jesus' teachings looks extremely different from how the world tells us to act and react. May our lives reflect and...